Saturday, July 21, 2012

Random thoughts of a three year old

I just wanted to write down this funny conversation that Sam and I had today --before I forget it.

We are driving down the road and Sam sees a bird on the side of the road.

Sam:  Mommy, that bird needs to find his mommy! (He's thinking of the book Are you my Mother?)

Me:  Yes, who is his mommy?  What does she look like?

Sam:  She's not a dog.  She's not a cow.  It's mommy is an elephant. (He says some silly things these days...)

Me:  An elephant!?!  Really? No, his mommy is a bird!

Sam:  An elephant eats grass and leaves with its trunk. 

Me:  Really?  Do you eat with a trunk?

Sam:  No, Mommy!  I put food in my mouth with my hands!  Only elephants have trunks.  I don't have a trunk.

Me:  Oh.  Ok.  

(I'm thinking the conversation is over, then he says...)

Sam:  Mommy, Spider man doesn't have a trunk either.


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