Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Lunches at School

 Every year the sweet  people at our daycare invite the parents for a Thanksgiving feast with the children.  It's delicious home-cooked food made by the director and her helpers.  We get to sit with our children and enjoy a Thanksgiving meal while watching them interact with their peers and teachers in the school setting.  This year was extra nice because I got to go twice! 
 I had lunch with Patrick in his class on Thursday and lunch with Sam's class on Friday.  
Special lunch dates with my boys--two days in a row! 

It always amazes me how grown-up the boys seem when they are at school.  I especially felt that way seeing Patrick sitting at a little table with his friends.  I usually strap him in his high chair to feed him.  I didn't think he would sit still long enough to eat a meal without being strapped in!  But, he did very well.  Although he would rather use the spoon to beat on the table than to use it as an eating utensil :)  He's getting there...

Patrick and one of his favorite teachers, Ms. Karen

Sam's class sang songs for us while we were waiting for the meal.  I enjoyed hearing the songs and learning the words that I've been trying to make sense of for months.  Sam loves to sing at home and at school, but when he is singing by himself at home I can't make out all the words.  
I also learned where he gets his dancing moves...because it certainly wasn't from me!  I think its a combination of this father and his friends at school.  
I recorded some of the songs and posted the link to the video at the bottom of this post.   

Sam and Emma as Pilgrims 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Halloween 2012

This was a fun Halloween for Sam.  
He had been looking forward to dressing as Spider Man since he found the costume in a bin of clothes from Aunt Amy a year ago!  

Patrick was a Monkey...the same one that Sam was when he was one.  So if the pictures of Patrick look familiar, that's why :)

Mommy and her little Monkey--who still loves his paci.

Spider Girl, A Cute Little Spider, and Spider Man

Sneaky!  Patrick and Buddy trying to get into the candy basket

Sam and his Jack-o-lantern (lovingly named Frankenstein)
Pumpkin carving by Grandpa Loss

Look Who's Walking!

It's been a while since I last wrote....I'm sorry for that.  
But... I couldn't let too much time pass before I documented this milestone!  
Patrick still prefers crawling to his wobbly walk, but this video shows he can do it!

Introducing Samuel Grady Rogers