Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Eighteen Months

Just look at the face on this young man...doesn't he look like a teenager with attitude? Is he eighteen months going on eighteen years?

Our baby boy is quickly turning into a little man. He's already eighteen months old and I think he is in the early stages of the "terrible twos". We see more and more of his funny, sweet, loving, and sometimes stubborn personality every day. The eighteen month check up went well last week. He is growing taller and taller! Alan and I never expected a child of ours to be in the 90th percentile for height and Sam is there! He is still hovering around the 25th percentile for his weight.

I've enjoyed a long winter vacation from work. It seems that my vacation this year just kept going and going. We had 2 weeks off for Christmas holidays and then went back to work for 4 days and then a snow and ice storm hit the area and we were blessed with another 2 days off from school! I have to admit, I felt a bit of cabin fever and was ready to go back to work...then Sam's cold hit and a few days later the ear infection. So after only 2 days of work, I took another day off to take care of Sam right before the long Martin Luther King weekend. I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again.

Stay at home moms have hard jobs.

I found it difficult to get anything done. The only time I could get things accomplished was during nap time. Even trips to the grocery store take longer with a child in tow. We are starting to get back into a routine again and it's been hard for Sam to re-adjust to getting up early and going to school every day. He's become quite the "mama's boy" after all the time we've spent together the past few weeks. I'm not complaining though, it's makes me feel good to know that he loves me. I wish I could bottle that up and save it for his teenage years :)

Here are some pictures from one of our snow days.

Stay tuned for pictures from our weekend with Sam's class pet, Penny :)

1 comment:

  1. Love that pic at the table! Hope that's the only attitude you see for a while. Can't wait to hear about Penny. Nice of the school and weather to give you a little practice before you're home all summer. Maybe we'll have our act figured out by then at my house and we can share "lesson plans." : )


Introducing Samuel Grady Rogers