Monday, January 4, 2010

Going back to work...

It is the last day of Christmas vacation and I am trying to avoid thinking about the reality that the days of sleeping in until 7:15 am and spending every waking moment with my adorable little boy are soon to be over. I feel like he has grown so much in the last two weeks.

He is now eating a few bites of baby food each day. I even made some freshly cooked and blended carrots for him. He seems to like the fresh food the best. This year, we went to a NYE party and I struggled to think about and talk about subjects other than Sam. I had an interesting conversation with a speech therapist and learned that many children who eat fresh fruits and veggies as babies tend to be better eaters when they make the transition to real food--mainly becuase baby food that is made fresh tends to taste more like the food that the child will eventually be eating. So, I am on a mission to keep giving Sam fresh food. I hope I can keep it up!

Sam has also discovered his hands and feet. He will hold his hand out in front of him, open and close his fist, and just stare at it in awe. Check out the video posted previously to see how much he likes his feet! He loves to pull his legs straight up in the air when getting his diaper changed or laying on his back (unless he's asleep). I wonder if this is a habit that he formed in the womb while he was sitting in the breach position.

While I was home for vacation, one of my goals was to try to get a regular napping schedule down pat. I learned that it is more difficult for me to put myself on a schedule than it is to put Sam on a schedule. He's getting there! When I have to wake him up in the morning, he always opens his eyes and then smiles. It doesn't work so well when he wakes me up in the morning, though!

He still likes to stick his tongue out of the side of his mouth. So CUTE!

He still likes to chew and suck on his blankies...maybe a sign of teeth in the near future??

1 comment:

  1. He is such a cutie! Wish we were there to scoop him up and snuggle with him. Glad to hear that he is taking to the baby food, and kudos for you for making fresh baby food. I saw a little bullet blender at the store from Avent just for blending up baby food and gave it a half a second thought. Let me know how it goes and maybe we'll try it with the next baby.


Introducing Samuel Grady Rogers