Saturday, January 29, 2011

Weekend with Penny

Last weekend Sam's teachers handed me a bag with 2 notebooks and a stuffed penguin. They informed me that we would be taking care of the class pet this was our turn. The class pet is Penny the stuffed penguin. I don't know if they play with Penny at school or not, but Sam definitely knew her and loved her from the start of the weekend until the moment I handed her back to his teachers.

While Penny was in our care, we were instructed to take pictures and complete the class scrapbook with an entry of pictures and a story about our time with Penny. I felt pretty insecure when I looked through all the elaborate scrapbooking done by the other moms. I've never been very creative in this area.

The first night we had Penny we went to Lakeside Basketball game. Sam loved watching the fit right in with his obsession with balls and basketball hoops! He intently watched the game while holding on to his dear Penny.

The next morning he and Penny did their morning exercises. Here is a shot of Sam doing squats with Penny.

and one of him just loving on her...

Then on Sunday, we watched the Packers beat the Bears and make it to the Superbowl!

We had a great time with Penny this weekend. Sam was sad to send her back to school!

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Introducing Samuel Grady Rogers