Lately, I see more of Alan's features in Sam. I tend to think "Little Al" would have been an appropriate name for this little guy afterall...but no---we are not changing his name :) Now, his hair is beginning to fall out and he actually has the same hairline as Alan does right now. Like father, like son :)
I would like to say that each day is getting easier and easier for me as I get used to taking care of Sam, but honestly each day is often very different from the one before (probably depending on the amount of sleep we got the night before). Some days I feel like I'm getting the hang of it and other days I don't. On one hand, I feel "cabin fever" and I need to get out of the house more often, but on the other hand, I am not comfortable going places with Sam, yet. I'm always worried he's going to cry and I won't be able to quiet him down or that he will get hungry and I'm not going to find a good place to nurse him. I make at least one trip out of the house each day and this has helped me feel more confident about these silly worries I have. Actually, I've found that Sam kind of likes going in the car and being in new places---so, it's good for both of us to get out of the house each day! What used to be a simple trip to the grocery store is now often my big outing for the day. I hope I get better at this!
Here are a few of the latest pictures I have of Sam. Notice that his eyes are open!
This first one features Sam's favorite pacifier. It's half the size of his face! But it's the only one he is interested in taking. Alan says he looks like Maggie from the Simpsons when he sucks this big green paci :)
You can see that cute little bird face in this picture. He likes to pucker up those beautiful lips!