Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sam and Marriage

Sam is asking so many questions these days.  It's neat to see what he is curious about and what his little mind is thinking.  Lately he's had a few questions about marriage.  On our way to George's baptism, he asked if we were getting married.  I had to remind him that Mommy and Daddy were already married (because this precious little boy once said he wanted to marry me--which makes my heart smile).

Then, on the way home from the church service, he asks," Can I wear my football uniform when I get married?"

I told him that it depends on who he marries and he will have to ask her how she feels about it.

Then he says,"How do you ask someone to marry you?  Do you just say 'will you marry me?'"

We told him, that was true, that you have to choose someone and then ask them to marry you.  Then I asked if there was someone who he thought he would like to marry.

After careful consideration and with a question in his voice, he said, "Aunt Amy"

Introducing Samuel Grady Rogers