I can't believe the last time I looked at my blog was Thanksgiving....
Wow, time flies.I don't really know where to begin--so much has happened since then!
Sam is riding a bike without training wheels and has been since April (3 1/ years old).
Here is a little video clip of him riding his bike. Click on this link to YouTube to view.
Please excuse the typo near the end of the video... I have little time to make videos and I hate that I missed that typo, but I just haven't had a chance to fix it.
This boy can balance!
Please excuse the typo near the end of the video... I have little time to make videos and I hate that I missed that typo, but I just haven't had a chance to fix it.
This boy can balance!
He has also enjoyed his scooter this year.
Sports have become an important part of his daily routine already.
He played basketball this winter, soccer this spring, and T-ball this summer.
He also likes to dabble in golf and tennis at home.
Here are a few photos from the last few months of his sporting events.
Sports have become an important part of his daily routine already.
He played basketball this winter, soccer this spring, and T-ball this summer.
He also likes to dabble in golf and tennis at home.
Here are a few photos from the last few months of his sporting events.
and golf...
Patrick is riding his big wheel these days. He likes to go fast. He crashes often, but gets right back up on his bike after each crash (usually with bloody knees or elbows).
This little guy is tough!
Of course, Patrick has also grown so much since November. We've gone from worrying about his refusing to eat to watching him "eat us out of house and home". He loves greek yogurt and fruit the most...along with my favorite macaroni and cheese recipe.
Here are some photos of Patrick at the dinner table.
I can't stray from the table far while he is eating because a mess usually ensues quickly!
Patrick loves the water, boats, and motorcycles.
Each and every time he sees a motorcycle he announces with excitement, "GRANDPA!!!" Sam usually responds with, "No Patrick, that's not Grandpa!"
The boys are loving each other (most of the time).
This is one of my favorite pictures that I took recently.
They like to play together and laugh together and it is music to my ears.
But, just to be honest...it's not always fun times with the two of them...
there are some tears at times as well!
Here is another one of my favorites. The big question is, "Are they hugging or wrestling?"
Notice who is on top. Patrick tends to be the aggressor in most of these situations.