On July 13th, 2009, Samuel Grady Rogers was born. We had a scheduled c-section because Samuel was in a breech position. Everything went well and we were thrilled to meet our healthy baby boy! He was 7 lbs. 1 oz. and 21 inches long. He came into this world crying and peeing...I guess he already knows that his new world isn't perfect!
We spent two nights in the hospital and were excited to be able to come home a day early. Since we've been home, Alan and I have enjoyed loving on Sam as we learn how to care for him. Each day is different.
During the first week, Sam slept most of the day and night. I'd have to wake him up to feed him, and then he would often fall right back asleep as I was nursing him! Looking back at all the pictures we took of Sam during this first week, I realize that we don't have a single picture of him awake! I spent most of my days and nights nursing him and praying that he was getting enough nourishment from me. He wasn't producing the number of dirty diapers that I had expected...so I worried that he wasn't getting enough. I found myself rejoycing each time I found wet or dirty diapers...and thankfully it now happens on a regular basis :) I never expected to adore this little child so much that I even loved his poopy diapers.
After two weeks, Sam continues to grow and become more and more alert everyday. He amazes us at how strong he is! Last night, when I awoke to nurse him, I found him laying on the opposite end of the cradle -- horizontal! How in the world did he manage to get there? He can't crawl...but he is quite the wiggle worm. He now looks us in the eyes and looks all around when he is awake. It's like he's just taking it all in. Alan says that we are adjusting to him just as much as he is adjusting to us. We are all just trying to figure it all out.
There are so many things that I love about him. My favorite look he makes is what I call his bird mouth. When he gets hungry, his eyes get wide open and he opens his mouth like a bird just waiting for me to deliver his milk. It's so adorable! I also love it when falls asleep while we are holding him. He likes to snuggle up close and he also loves to be rocked. His favorite soothing CD is Nora Jones "Come Away with Me" (one of my all time favorites, too!).
The other night, I went to the grocery store and left Alan with a screaming Sam (evenings are his most fussy time). I felt terrible leaving Alan with the crying baby--but when I arrived home I found Alan and baby Sam peacefully snuggled up with one another. It was the most adorable site.
Alan has been a wonderful Daddy. I love to watch Alan interact with Sam. He is so patient and loving with Sam. When Sam cries, Alan is the one who reminds me to take a deep breath and relax because all babies cry. He has also been so helpful around the house as I've been recovering from my c-section. He never complained about having to do the laundry or the dishes for me when I couldn't do it myself and he I never even had to ask him to do the chores for me! I have to admit, I think Alan really would be a great "Mr. Mom". I'm so lucky to have such wonderful men in my life (now there are 2 -- or I should say 3 to include Buddy)! Alan took time off work when we got home from the hospital and we really enjoyed staying home together with Sam.